Life Lessons from Brad
Brad, the Metal Years
circa 1988
On this Father’s Day weekend, I’d like to pay tribute to my amazing husband and father to our two boys, Brad. Before, I do, let me provide a brief overview of Brad. Full of kindness and empathy, he was born with a heart of gold and every single day tries to do something to make the world a better place. School was never his thing growing up. While most children dream of being a firefighter, police officer, doctor, lawyer, businessperson or even a superhero, my sweet Brad wanted to be a heavy metal rock star, so he grew his hair long, and played in a band. I’m glad we met much later, because that wasn’t my type, and I doubt we would have dated if we had met in our teens. In his defense, I don’t think he was into nerdy, bookish girls back then either.
He used to say he didn’t like school because he didn’t want to go to a stuffy private Catholic school and was trying to fail his way out. But he failed at failing out. He loves to tell the story of realizing his Senior year he wasn’t going to be able to go back to public school, so he finally applied himself. In fact, he was doing so well in Economics class that he got called into the Head Brother’s office who, assuming he was cheating, asked how Brad could be getting such high grades in the course. Brad looked at him sincerely and simply answered, “I like it.” The Father looked skeptical and then asked him some questions about economics to which Brad replied correctly each time proving that indeed, he deserved the grade.
Brad and the boys ready for an 80’s party
Brad gave the boys a love of 80’s music so Z selected an 80’s party for his 5th birthday.
When our younger son, Josh, was diagnosed with dyslexia, we realized that Brad was an undiagnosed dyslexic and this likely was a better explanation of his struggles in school. His learning difference didn’t stop him, though. Brad had a couple of false starts with college over the years, but in 2008 he reenrolled at Kennesaw State University. Because so much time had passed, he had to start from scratch. In December of 2016 my amazing husband graduated. He later landed his dream job at Tesla and today is the most engaged human being I know. As I have stepped out on my own, he has given me unconditional support and encouragement.
Today I offer the below list as a tribute to Brad.
Top 10 life lessons I learned from my husband, Brad:
10. The honeymoon only ends when you want it to, so make your choice to never let it end.
9. There is an 80’s heavy metal song for every occasion. Really.
Brad graduating from KSU
December 14, 2016
8. It is impossible to say, “I love you” too many times.
7. Pause. Inhale. Exhale. Dance. Nap. Dream. (I’m still working on this one, honey, but I swear, I’ll get there.)
6. Be your family’s biggest cheerleader.
5. Engagement sits at the intersection of passion and skill. Find a job at the intersection of those and you will always be happy.
4. A long hug from someone you love without any words at all, is sometimes all you need to heal a wound.
3. Family and friends are the most precious gifts you have in life.
2. Relentlessly pursue your dreams; you are only one try away from achieving them.
1. You are never, and I mean never, too old to rock out.