The leap of faith

One year ago this week I left my safe, corporate job to start my solopreneurship journey. Below are the top 10 lessons I have learned since then:

Lesson 10: Taking the first leap is the hardest part. I guess that is why they call it a leap of faith.

Lesson 9: You can find answers in nature. From an amazing session at Equus in Santa Fe where we learned leadership skills from a herd of horses to walks around my neighborhood lake, I realize each day that so many of the keys to life are held in nature. I often think of Henry David Thoreau, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...”

Lesson 8: You can be still when a tempest is swirling around you. More than once over the past year, I have taken a deep breath and meditated when my natural instinct was to rage against challenges. And in that stillness, I found peace.

Lesson 7: You can manifest your dreams. Letting go of fear and embracing faith is one of the hardest things I have ever done (see lesson 3), but taking the leap of faith was the first step to making my dream a reality.

Lesson 6: You learn with your clients. I am constantly in awe of how much I learn from my clients each time we work together. I am grateful for their willingness to share and to grow together.

Lesson 5: The people with whom you surround yourself make all the difference. Over the past year, I have been so grateful for my support network. From my family who have never once waivered in their commitment to this dream, to my dear friends who call regularly to see how things are going over virtual or in-person coffee or happy hour, to the Chairman of my Board who is always there at exactly the right time to steer me in the right direction, to my mastermind group who challenges me to think differently, to my amazing clients for whom I am thankful every single day.

Lesson 4: Change is not as hard as you think. Preparing for change (see lesson 3), that takes some work, but once you launch the change, it is all systems go.

Lesson 3: You can grow in the liminal, the in-between, space. For seven years I knew what I wanted to do but wasn’t ready to take the leap of faith. Instead, I sat in the liminal space and used it as a time to prepare to step into my inspired future.

Lesson 2: You can live the miracle. Yesterday in a coaching session, my coach asked me to envision living my best life. It took my breath away when I realized I am living the life I always dreamed of now.

Lesson 1: You should always take the bet on yourself. You will always win.

Are you looking for someone to come alongside you in your journey? Please reach out if I can help.


I chose to walk


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