It’s time to celebrate!

As we mark the two-year anniversary of Unleashed Potential Executive Coaching and Advising, I find myself reflecting on the journey that led me to this point. Two years ago this month, I officially launched Unleashed Potential Executive Coaching and Advising. In my first blog post I described this as taking a leap of faith. In the words of my favorite song from the Broadway show “Wicked,” appropriately named “Defying Gravity,” I knew that it was “time to trust my instinct close my eyes and leap!”

And leap, I did.

A leader once gave me the “All in” award at the company Holiday Party because whatever I do, I do with my whole heart. This company has been a labor of love for me, but what has been even more powerful is the love with which I have been surrounded since the beginning. From my family and friends who rallied around me, to the most amazing clients I could ask for, to my executive coach, Lori, who has been a pillar of support through many years, to my business partners with whom I have the privilege to serve our clients, I am surrounded each day by a network of support that I didn’t comprehend when I first launched.

Last week we had a virtual 2nd Anniversary Celebration that included a toast and fun trivia. During the event, I was blown away as I looked around at the people who attended - every single one of them is someone who chooses each day to use their talents to make a difference in the world around them. This video is a 30-second recap of the event that was done by my friend and Graphic Recording Illustrator, Wade Forbes. If you are looking to make your events more impactful, I highly suggest you reach out Wade.

Thank you all for the love and support you continue to offer.

I am truly blessed!

If you're interested in learning more about our services, please use this link to schedule a meeting.


Racing Toward the Inevitable


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